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The Heat is On!

October 07, 2015

#Experiences and Stories

The countdown clock says it's just three days to the opening of the 41st season! I know you're all excited! We are too, but we're also a little frantic. So far this week, I have awakened every morning before my alarm went off with ideas and tasks filling my thoughts. We thought it might be fun for you guys to see some of what's going on here on the TRF grounds as we push though the final preparations to receive our wonderful patrons this Saturday!

The three ticket office ladies are busy answering phones and processing ticket orders. They don't get a break!

The grounds crew fills potholes and evens out the grounds, especially where the new irrigation systems were installed along New Market Lane earlier this year.

The lovely Lady Eve is unpacking her van and setting up her face painting/portrait stand at the very entrance to Mockingbird Lane.

The construction crew puts finishing touches on a new wheelchair ramp outside the wedding dressing rooms.

Barbarians from the Performance Company enter through the parade gate for Sunday's parade run-through.

The highly popular Beef Eaters have their uniforms dry cleaned and ready to put on Saturday morning!

School Days art deliveries are being processed and prepared for adjudication.

The After Dark Ballroom looks gorgeous! TRF Ambassadors were inducted here Saturday night at the pre-opening gala, then invited guests partied for hours. This party really does rock!

We are excited, making sure our garb is ready, shelves are stocked, tickets scanners have batteries, and the site looks beautiful. Now all we need is... you! Huzzah!

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