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How to Beat the TRF Blues

December 16, 2019

#Experiences and Stories

We're just about two weeks removed from the end of the 2019 TRF season, but it already seems like it was ages ago, and we're counting down the days to the next season! By the way, 2020 dates are October 3 - November 29, 2020! How do you combat the TRF blues? Those long months between seasons. Nine weekends of the hustle and bustle of the New Village Market, all gone with the pop and sizzle of the last firework on closing night.

I know that many of you came down with various iterations of the TRF "Plague" that included bronchitis, sinusitis and even pneumonia! The plague doesn't discriminate, it hit everyone from vendors and cast members to rennies and TRF office staff! It's our bodies telling us - "Okay, you've worn me out" (little sleep, 12 or more days, not eating right, perhaps drinking a little too much) basically running on empty to the bitter end of the last moment of the final Sunday of festival.

If you're still on the mend, here are a few ways you can beat the TRF blues.

  • Relive all of the magic of the 2019 Season by re-watching the Recap Videos for the season on our YouTube Channel.
  • If you have turkey for your Christmas dinner, call dibs on the turkey leg and imagine you're walking around TRF with our new TRF Sights, Sounds and Taste videos play in the background.
  • Got some errands to run? Don you garb and see how many conversations you can have about TRF and why people should come to the festival!
  • Create a TRF music playlist to take that Ren Fest feeling anywhere you go! (Saxon Moon, Tartanic, Dublin Harpers, Gypsy Rox, Texas Brass Ensemble, Pride O'Bedlam, etc.)
  • Visit another Renaissance themed festival! Sherwood Forest Faire - Feb. 29 - April 19, 2020, Scarborough Renaissance Festival - April 4 - May 25, 2020
  • Buy some Enchanted Meadery Mead or Messia Hof Beau, fill your wooden drinking vessel and toast to the memories made at the 2019 TRF season!

Before you know it the Sale of the Century will be announced and then the 2020 TRF Festival season will be just around the corner! How do you deal with the TRF Blues?

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