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A Midwinter's Missive

February 07, 2020

#King's Missive


#Experiences and Stories

Goodly folk,

It is hard to believe that preparations for next season are well underway. The staff of TRF is well on its way to producing another festival for you to enjoy. Before we get to far away from last season's festival, I would like to reminisce a bit and then look forward coming this season.

The most exciting part of last season was celebrating 45 years of being a festival, this is an impressive feat. Our founder and first king George Coulam began the Texas Renaissance Festival (TRF) with a nearly impossible idea; move to Texas and start a festival in a village set during the renaissance and bring it to life by inhabiting it with, kings, queens, nobles, peasants, tradesman, artisans and crafters. Add jousts with knights, squires and beautiful maidens to woo. Invite all manner of, folks, beggars, wenches, barbarians, rogues, pirates, fantastical fairies, satyrs, centaurs, dragons and more. He assembled them all here in Texas, the land of cowboys, wildcatters and astronauts. In this land well-known for its barbecue, fajitas and steaks; George added shepherd's pie, bangers, turkey legs and every food imaginable on a stick, including steak. A few stout-hearted goodly folks trickled in, curious as to what was happening north of Magnolia near Plantersville, and they were soon joined by more returning year after year. They brought their family, friends and co-workers to enjoy the festival celebrating "the days of yore."Their yearly patronage and support of the festival and its artists, shop keeps, vendors and performers have grown the Texas Renaissance Festival (TRF) into the biggest and most well attended in the country. George Coulam is to be commended and could easily retire and rest on his laurels, however he is not that of kind man. An octogenarian, he continues to work with his staff daily to ensure every detail of his vision for TRF is precisely carried out each year.

Last year TRF continued its mission to enhance our patrons' experience with the expansion of, "the Fields of New Market", TRF's 200-acre RV park and campground. The "Royal Bonfire" was added and, by most accounts, was well received. Many commented that they appreciated its new central location, as well as the abundance of food, drink and fun.. Fans of the C.O.B. crew claimed it was never better and C.O.B.'s captains assure us, there is more fun to be had. The expanded family friendly camp area and campfire was a great success. Many participated, enjoying fun activities, stories and s'mores galore.

In appreciation of our 45th anniversary Mr. Coulam saw fit to set aside an area dedicated to the many organizations, clans, crews, hordes and tribes that have been camping with us for over 40 years. We were fortunate to meet with their representatives and listen to their heartfelt experiences, origin stories, and anecdotes both funny and touching. Each was permitted to choose a permanent area to build their festival camps. Their work and enthusiasm, while creating their mini fiefdoms, was contagious and reminded me of the days of, "olde".

For our upcoming 2020 season the Fields of New Market will continue its transformation to achieve our founder's vision. TRF's hard-working crews are already landscaping and making improvements. As I write this missive, they are adding private RV pads nestled amongst the pines, oaks, palms and magnolias.They will also be creating an area for a new drum circle bonfire.

I cannot write about the Fields of New Market without writing about the After Dark. The Queen and I have dined, danced and been entertained many a night at this TRF gem of a place. Oftentimes it can be overlooked during the day, but never at night when our magnificent Greco-Roman frieze featuring a fanciful Dionysus surrounded by a pantheon lights up the night. This beautiful piece of architecture towers over the entrance to the atrium of TRF's ballroom. This ballroom is the home of the "After Dark" managed by Marcelo and D'Ann Noveri. Their courteous staff caters to every concern and desire. Spectacle reigns supreme, as each Saturday brings a different themed masquerade party. Prepared to be awed by the heart-stopping artistic displays of physical prowess from the daring aerialist troupe, Cir le Viv. Then the multi-talented dancers from, Haven Arts Theater, once again present powerful, emotional and innovative choreography from Amy Barnes. The After Dark activities never wane, food is plentiful and libations flow. Join Heather Moon for karaoke in the VIP room or visit the hookah lounge and garden bar. Do not forget to return the main ballroom to enjoy provocative burlesque from the area's finest troupes and throughout the night there is lots of dancing. The Queen and I could have danced all night, but we did not, the After Dark ends at 1 am. (and the gates of TRF open at 9am)

The After Dark Ballroom facilities, staff and services are available throughout the year for parties, receptions, reunions, private functions, one of a kind events and special occasions. Contact Group Coordinator Vee Brauner for rates and availability. Vee can also tell you about weddings in the Meadows of New Market (this is a blatant tease. Reader seek ye out Vee. - I know), or call (800)458-3435. Forget ye not to read her wedding blogs!

As you have without a doubt garnered, there is a lot happening within the Fields of New Market. The changes at the Fields of New Market are faithfully managed by Pat Coveney, Campground Director. And assistant, Annika Johnson, who is also responsible for all the social media for the fields of New Market. They will soon be unveiling a new reservation system, making booking a stay at the Fields of New Market simple and timely. In the future, the Fields of New Market will be a fully functional RV park and campground open throughout the year. So, waste not another minute and get your spot for all the fun! For up to date information Visit and click on, "Camping".

TRF will be promoting its Fields of New Market by attending the RV Shows in Houston, Austin and Dallas. The Houston show opens February 12th and Austin opens February 13th; both continue through Sunday the 16th. The Dallas RV show is the following week, February 20th through the 23rd. Thou art most welcome to visit the TRF booth at either of these goodly shows, to receive information and take a spin at the prize wheel. Do not forget to enjoy the fancy wagons; they are most elaborate, ornate, and difficult for a King wearing a crown to get into.

Our 45th year exceeded expectations and I should like to remind all that it takes a very creative, dedicated and enthusiastic group of individuals to ensure that TRF presents its very best to our patrons. Our skilled artisans, craftspeople, masters and artists put their heart and souls into the success of TRF. Every year they bring their best art and finest for our Patron. Our shops, kitchens and vendors gladly serve a flavorful cornucopia filled with endless variety of food to enrich and delight every palate. They proudly provide an assortment of drinks and libations of every sort for all to partake. I appreciate them all and hope you will soon enjoy all they and TRF have to offer.

It seems that I have reach the end for now, as I am being hounded by my jester to end this missive, before I wear your eyes, enjoy thy day, or evening as maybe the case. Good health to you! (if thou art already sick; get well soon!)

Huzzah! -The King

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