ASL Weekends
The Texas Renaissance Festival (TRF), the nation's largest and most acclaimed festival of food, fun and Renaissance magic, is pleased to announce that it will host two Deaf Awareness Weekends at this year's festival: October 14-15 for the Weekend of 1001 Dreams and November 18-19 for Highland Fling Weekend. These weekends will feature American Sign Language (ASL) interpreters dozens of shows and events taking place at the festival.
Thanks to the all-volunteer ASLfairesTX, on any given day of the two Deaf Awareness Weekends, roughly 30 to 35 shows will be provided with interpreters. ASL events will be announced soon, so please follow ASLfairesTX on Facebook for details, volunteer opportunities and discount codes.
In addition, TRF's camping facilities are happy to welcome Clan Eyeth, a Deaf Camping Clan and Clan Armadillo, a Deaf/Blind Camping Clan. These are open to all individuals who are Deaf, Deaf/Blind, use ASL or have relations or friendships with these communities. Whenever possible, some of the shows at the campground may also have accessibility provisions.
Oct. 7-8: Opening Weekend and The Queen's Birthday
Oct. 14-15: 1001 Dreams and Deaf Awareness
Oct. 21-22: Pirate Adventure
Oct. 28-29: All Hallows Eve
Nov. 4-5: Heroes and Villains
Nov. 11-12: Barbarian Invasion
Nov. 18-19: Highland Fling and Deaf Awareness and Deaf/Blind Events
Nov. 24-26: Celtic Christmas