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Ho! Ho! Ho!

November 30, -0001

#Experiences and Stories

It's the most wonderful time of the year, and the most beautiful weekend at the Festival: Celtic Christmas weekend! I am going to make a confession here. When we started this theme back in 2005, I predicted it would be a flop. I couldn't imagine that our patrons would want to spend their Thanksgiving holiday weekend with us at faire. Boy, was I wrong!

Many, many families enjoy spending the day together after their huge turkey feasts, walking the grounds and starting their holiday shopping in our many artisans' shoppes, which are all decorated beautifully! Garlands, ribbons, and lights adorn nearly every booth, while Christmas music wafts on the air.

I love the costumes on this weekend. There are so many furs, holiday fairies, and Santa hats, even an elf on a shelf made it to last year's 2:00 costume contest!

The eating contest is especially fun on this week, and the layered pumpkin pie smells way better than the haggis from last week (sorry, Scots).

Our performers really shine on Celtic Christmas weekend. There is the annual Queen's Tea celebration, Christmas carols on all the stages, and acts to appeal to both naughty and nice (pictured above are Istanpitta on the Mockingbird Gazebo, our own performance company elves, and the wildly popular Iris and Rose and the Polish Pub).

Of course we finish the day with our traditional fireworks, and in the setting of the lit up village, it's especially pretty. We hope you will brave the weather and come visit us for one last celebration before we close our gates for 2015. Happy holidays and Huzzah!

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