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I have a fever, and the only prescription is “add to cart”.

May 14, 2020


#Experiences and Stories

By Jennifer Pierce, TRF Vendor Manager

How we will all feel when opening canon sounds on Oct. 3!

Perhaps it is too soon to mention any fever references, but that just shows how COVID-19 is flowing down into every facet of our being at the moment, even ruining my lame jokes.

We move through our days looking for a new sense of normalcy in these unprecedented times, whether it be questioning what day of the week it is, "Why aren't teachers paid MUCH more?", "Who would win in a battle, Carole Baskin or this infamous Karen we keep hearing about?". Also, the harder questions that many are asking, "When can I resume business again?", "How am I going to pay my bills?"

With Festivals and Events set for Spring and Summer canceling or postponing, it leaves a gap in our vendor's usual income stream, most having to expand to online business only for the first time. While our festival will open in the fall, I ask that you take a moment of your time to help our vendors outside of our typical faire season. If you are not in a position to make purchases, help spread the word of their businesses, share their social media pages, and online storefronts.

I continue to ask our vendors to submit their online business links, social media pages, and contact information that they would like released to the public. We continue to update it weekly, and you can find it at the top of our Vendor landing page under TRF Online Vendors. If you do not see one of your favorite shops listed there, contact me at jpierce at, and I will provide you direct contact information upon their approval.

I think I speak for most of us when we say we are looking forward to opening on October 3rd, 2020. Until then, I appreciate your continued support of our festival vendors, and I wish you and yours safe and well.

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